July 8, 2024

What is an unvented cylinder?

What is an Unvented Cylinder?

At Pipeline Plumbing Services Ltd, we understand the importance of having a reliable hot water system in your home. Traditional vented cylinders have served us well for many years, but unvented cylinders offer a modern alternative with several advantages. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of unvented cylinders, explaining how they work, their benefits, and whether they might be the right choice for your home.

How Does an Unvented Cylinder Work?

Unlike vented cylinders that rely on a cold water storage tank in the loft and gravity-fed hot water, unvented cylinders are a sealed system. They connect directly to the mains water supply, drawing cold water and heating it internally. This eliminates the need for a loft tank, freeing up valuable space and reducing the risk of frozen pipes in winter.

Unvented cylinders come in two main types:

  • Direct: These cylinders use immersion heaters to heat the water electrically.
  • Indirect: These cylinders utilise the heat generated by your boiler to heat the stored water.

Both types feature an expansion vessel, a crucial component that absorbs the increase in water volume as it heats up. This prevents pressure build-up within the sealed system, ensuring safety and optimal performance.

Benefits of Unvented Cylinders

  • Higher Pressure and Flow Rate: By drawing water directly from the mains, unvented cylinders deliver powerful and consistent hot water pressure throughout your home. This translates to a more luxurious showering experience and quicker filling of baths and sinks.
  • Space Saving: Eliminating the need for a loft tank frees up valuable space in your loft, perfect for conversion projects or simply creating additional storage.
  • More Efficient: Unvented cylinders typically have better insulation compared to vented systems, minimising heat loss and potentially lowering your energy bills.
  • Hygienic: The sealed design of unvented cylinders reduces the risk of contamination from dust or debris that might enter a loft tank.

Are Unvented Cylinders Right for You?

Unvented cylinders offer a compelling solution for many homeowners. However, some considerations might influence your decision:

  • Installation: These systems require qualified plumbers (G3 certified in the UK) for installation due to the higher pressure and safety regulations.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the expansion vessel and other components.
  • Cost: Unvented cylinders typically have a higher upfront cost compared to vented systems, although potential energy savings may offset this over time.

Find out more about unvented cylinder installation

If you're considering an upgrade to an unvented cylinder, our experienced plumbing team can assess your needs and advise on the most suitable solution for your home. We can also provide information on available models, installation costs, and ongoing maintenance requirements.

Contact us at 01903 740538 or 07871 725133 or through our online contact form and we’ll be happy to offer any necessary advice you may need.

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